Good morning, and welcome to a grey, cold and damp February Monday morning here in Harrogate. It's the perfect weather to stay in an work on some wonderful graphic design concepts - which is just as well, as I have a few to do, ranging from an exhibition banner, to flyers, direct mailers, pitch document covers and ads. Later in the week I also have a meeting with a Harrogate based company that, well, let's just say I'm really looking forward to. Really, really looking forward to. More about that later though.
It's half term week too, so got my lovely daughter at home all week, and my lovely wife for Monday and Tuesday too. Alice (that's my daughter) is appearing at the Harrogate Royal Hall later today in a Lynton Academy ballet production of Peter Rabbit and Friends. She will be taking the role of a frog, and is very, very excited, which is great to see, so although there is much to do today, really Monday belongs to her.
Anyway, I thought I'd expand the blog a bit to include a few design tips and tricks that may be of use. Today, a little Adobe Acrobat tip: If you receive an Acrobat file and find that it needs to be amended, but only have the reader version of Acrobat installed, it can also be done in Adobe Illustrator. It's amazing how much you can do actually, from changing text, to changing colours, to moving elements around - you can even open and edit multi-page pdfs (although only a page at a time). Okay, it can be a little labour intensive if there are lots of things to change (although really there shouldn't be, as a pdf file ought to be a final piece of artwork in its own right). There was one occasion though, when I was in possession of a 12 page presentation in Acrobat (but no source files) and had to input extensive amends to each and every page for a client to present later that day. What would have been an hour or so's work in InDesign took four hours plus in Illustrator, but it came together well and the client was none the wiser that I was, to use a technical term 'winging it'. Here endeth the lesson for today...
Right, enough talk about work, now a brief look at music... been revisiting a few old classics lately including The Wonderstuff's 'Hup', Mudhoney's 'SuperFuzzBigMuff' (great title, great album) and The Pogues' 'If I Should Fall From Grace With God'. If anyone has any recommendations for what I should be checking out (or if you simply what to slag off what I listen to), please feel free to leave a comment.
Have a great week - over and out.
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